As life ushers in each new day, I find that I am swept right along with the unremitting current of classes and work. Thankful to regain a daily routine, I continue the battle of time management while struggling to decide how to divide my hours between classwork, regular work (for money), relationships, and rest. (A struggle most are quite familiar with, I am sure).
Since arriving back in Texas, there have been two major developments that I can think of. One, is that after much stress, tears, countless prayers and days spent on Craigslist, I was able to acquire a car. The teal Camry is now part of the Shapiro family and is still awaiting its official christening (a nickname). Another new venture is a job with Mission Waco working with their inner-city after school program. I'm looking forward to hanging out with the kids a couple times a week and helping them find their God-given strengths this semester in addition to working part-time in the Baylor pre-nursing office.
When I'm not in class or working, I am reading for class. Exploring Robert Browning's poetry, Eudora Welty and Toni Morrison's genius, early Christian theological arguments, and late 19th century American realist works have kept me busy most evenings. Not to mention the hours of re-learning the Spanish language/trying to differentiate Spanish from my limited knowledge of Thai and French!
Being here with my sister has been a neat change to the regular Baylor scene. I had the opportunity last night to practice my domestic skills in the kitchen by cooking for her and her new "friend" Chris. Over spaghetti dinners and walks around the bear trail, Natalie and I are becoming familiar with the adult versions of each other.
One of the largest blessings during these few weeks has been spending time with my roommate and close friends that were dearly missed this past year. The Lord has truly answered my heart's longing for fellowship and deep community.
Texas is the same as always- which is a reliable inconsistency! The weather is hot and humid, my walks to and from class are beautifully calming, and my favorite coffee pot produces the same wonderful aroma each morning.
Each new day brings with it new opportunities and friendships that contribute to the greater picture of God's plan for me here in Waco. This morning's time with Jesus revealed this precious reminder:
"And you, He made alive...For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:1, 10
Taking the kids home to Phayam Island
6 years ago
1 comment:
Loved the update from you! I miss you!
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